Our products are of superior quality and comply with national and international standards. We pride ourselves on the innovative development that has gone into all our dust control products, which helps Dust-A-Side to maintain our competitive edge.
Through the use of a variety of contemporary and timely instruments, we are able to keep up with the latest technologies and advancements. This enables our technologists to employ multidisciplinary approaches to solve problems and provide solutions that best meet the individual needs of our clients.
Our dust palliative solutions are based on scientific research in the form of case studies and technical results from our R&D laboratory.
Every client is approached in a unique manner. Our solutions are tailored to suit their particular needs, performance and compatibility of our dust palliative products with the clients’ soil and water samples.
On our existing sites, soil and water samples are collected and tested as the mine expands and new haul roads are being established.
Over the years, experience has taught us that overburden and waste material used to dress the functional surface layer does change as mining progresses.
As such, it has become mandatory for sites to submit soil and water samples for testing, so that the recommended solutions remains relevant, effective & efficient.
This practice is also applicable for sites that we are taking over and greenfield projects.

In instances where submitted soil and water samples aren’t compatible with the existing dust palliatives, special additives are introduced to enhance affinity. Our lab puts the client’s requirements at the center of every test we perform. A generated technical report gives details of the soil, water & product(s) tested and provides recommendations on the quantity of product required for the product to perform optimally.

To learn more about our laboratory capabilities, please click here to get in touch with one of our expert team members.