Congratulations to the DAS Team in the Northern Cape on their recent achievement on being awarded the Best Comeback Contractor on Anglo American1 s Sishen Mine.

Dust-A-Side was recognised by Sishen at their quarterly awards ceremony in August 2015 as the most improved service provider based on customer satisfaction.

The ceremony took place in Kathu, at the Sishen Rugby Club and SP du Plessis (Business Manager for Sishen) received the award on behalf of Dust-A-Side.

Best Comeback Contractor

“Congratulations to the DAS Team in the Northern Cape on their recent achievement on being awarded

the Best Comeback Contractor on Anglo American1 s Sishen Mine.”

Dust-A-Side – Not Only a Bitumen Specialist

Dust-A-Side – Not Only a Bitumen Specialist

Dust-A-Side has been at the forefront of dust suppression and haul road management for over 40 years offering a wide range of solutions for a dust-free environment, both underground and opencast. With a range of products i.e. Dust-A-Side Product, Hydrotac, Hydrowet,...

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