We Support a Variety of Sustainability & Social Programs
Our philosophy is to give back to the surrounding communities where we have a business interest.
One of Dust-A-Side’s core values is Caring – to care for the communities and environment we work in. Our partnerships with mines make it possible to upgrade the livelihood of the people.
We also donate funds that assist in the fight to alleviate poverty in previously disadvantaged areas. We donate towards Charity Golf Days to raise funds for our social programs.
Dedicated Team for
Quality Management System
ISO 9001 Certified
Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 Certified
Areas of Safety Excellence
Dust-A-Side has a dedicated SHEQC team ensuring sustained management of all SHEQC related issues in their respective areas of responsibility. We remain committed to preserving the environment that we work and live in.
- All DAS sites are audited annually towards the highest applicable standard.
- Dust-A-Side has a pro-active rather than reactive SHEQC Management approach.
- Annual SHEQC Excellence Awards are presented to the best-performing sites in Small, Medium and Large categories.
- Quarterly held SHEQC meetings in order to manage leading and lagging indicators.
- Company Incentives to all employees on achievement of Safety goals.
- All employees are committed to our safety slogan “The SAFE way is the ONLY way!”
View Our SHEQC Policy
View Our SHEQC Objectives
Internal Staff Development
We have established the Dust-A-Side Training Academy whereby we train operators and related personnel with registered training material, providing them with certificates of competence in conjunction with License Wise.
They are assisting us in the registration process and updating of various learning material, issuing of certificates, as well as training and accrediting our assessors at various SETA’s. In addition to the registration and compilation of operating manuals and assessment documents for various machines, we are also busy developing and compiling a supervisor and site manager training manual and assessment documentation.
We are looking into joint ventures with some of our clients to take unemployed, unskilled learners as part of our social responsibility programme, training part of the community to become skilled surface operators on yellow machines (earth moving equipment) for the future. This is now being expanded to include underground equipment.
External Training
Skills Development Academy
Dust-A-Side and Mogalakwena have formed a partnership in the establishment of a skills development academy. The overall aim of this academy is to strengthen the skills, competencies and abilities of employees and surrounding community members in order to promote self-sufficiency.
The Skills Development Academy caters for communities and surrounding areas where Dust-A-Side operates in. It is open for community members in possession of a Grade 12 certificate and driver’s license. Dust-A-Side offers the following heavy machinery operator courses:
- Grader
- Water bowser
- Mechanical broom
Each course is run over a period of three months. Upon completion, successful attendees are awarded an accredited Dust-A-Side certificate.
Dust-A-Side Technical Seminars
Dust-A-Side does External Training for our clients through running Technical Seminars in the various regions to educate our customers on new product developments and also create a networking forum for clients to share their experiences and different needs.
Staff Development and Training
Dust-A-Side Bursaries
Dust-A-Side issues bursaries to all existing employees as well as students.
These bursaries include but are not limited to National Diplomas, Degrees and Post Graduate Degrees as well as MBA’s.
This is done in order to continuously develop and improve the skill base of the employees into future management positions.
The students also engage in practical, on the job training and experience during school vacation periods.
Dust-A-Side Social Development Programmes
Social Upliftment & basic school support programmes.
Dust-A-Side supports programmes within our local communities. We support educational programmes, sports and community development projects
Our Programs:
- Centre of Hope for disabled Children
- Ya Bana Village – Home for Abandoned children
- Bedfordview Dragons Academy – for social upliftment of young boys through sport
- Kwena Basin Schools Project for assisting with high school education
- Voorspoed Community -Donating bikes for kids who have to travel long distances in order to get school due to a lack of transportation in rural areas.
- Phalabora Foundation
- Mogalakwena school project – A centre that cares for children with physical and mental disabilities, Limpopo
Engaged in
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
In 2009 Dust-A-side introduced a formal Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which has been brought in for the wellbeing of the DAS employees. This service is provided by the company to its employees to assist them to identify and resolve their day-to-day concerns. These may be related to finances, health, stress, family problems, addictions, work or any other type of challenges that an employee faces.
Employee Wellness Newsletters
The HR department recognizes the role it needs to play in the wellness of employees. For this reason the company introduced a newsletter to keep employees informed regarding specific health, mental and other issues relevant to the workplace. The newsletter is distributed on a monthly-basis and will address a specific topic each month. Through these wellness initiatives the company assists employees with personal and work issues and in turn employees can come to work happy and productive and make a difference!
The company is in the privileged position where most of the mines on which we operate allow our employees to make use of their HIV/AIDS Management Programs and clinics. Through this, employees gain access to voluntary counselling, before and after testing, access to ARV’s and other information related to HIV/AIDS Management. In addition, the company, through the EAP, can provide employees assistance with HIV/AIDS Management. The company has annual HIV/AIDS Awareness campaigns to further assist employees.
Employee Wellness Roadshows
To enforce the presence of the EAP the Employee Wellness Manager conducts annual employee wellness roadshows with the EAP company. The purpose of the roadshows is to increase employees’ awareness on:
- Substance abuse
- Sexual diseases
- Stress Management
- Work/life balance
The company distributes condoms, HIV/AIDS fact sheets, substance abuse fact sheets and stress balls.
The roadshows are a great way for the HR department and the EAP company to interact with employee on an interpersonal level and assist them with any problems.